
Electrical Materials: Lot 1 - Automatic Fuses, Lot 2 - Fuses, Lot 3 - Plugs, Sockets, Switches, Insulating Tape, Lot 4 - Electric Cables, Lot 5 - Cable Lugs, Lot 6 - Batteries, Lot 7 - Accumulators Agm/Vrla, Lot 8 - Indoor Lighting Fixtures, Lot 9 - Parts For Lamps And Lighting Fixtures, Lot 10 - Street Lighting Fixtures

Prośba o składanie wniosków

Informacja Ogólna

   Wrz 12, 2024
948571 RON
   opublikowany: Wrz 12, 2024

Oryginalny tekst

Achizitie initiata prin anunt de participare simplificat: [SCN1152888] - Materiale electrice: Lot 1 - Sigurante automate, Lot 2 - Sigurante fuzibile, Lot 3 - Fise, prize, intrerupatoare, banda izolatoare, Lot 4 - Cabluri electrice, Lot 5 - Papuci pentru cabluri electrice, Lot 6 - Baterii, Lot 7 - Acumulatori AGM/VRLA, Lot 8 - Corpuri de iluminat interior, Lot 9 - Piese...
Opcje subskrypcji




550 USD/rok

1000 USD/rok

Koszt na żądanie

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