
Take Out An Accident Insurance Policy Prior To The Start Of The Training Activity Linked To The Employment Contract, Which Fits Both The Theoretical And Practical Duration Of The Training Activity And Its Daily Schedule, Which Cover The Costs Of Accidents While On The Road, The Risks Arising From The Visits Of The Participating People To Companies Or Other Establishments That Are Organized To Support The Development Of The Training Actions. The Insurance Must Cover The Training Period And, Where Appropriate, The Practical Training Module Linked To The Professional Certificates. The Beneficiary Entity Can Choose To Subscribe To A Collective Insurance Policy That Covers All The Students Of The Approved Project.

Adjudicação de contrato

Informação Geral

   9 de Set, 2024
353 EUR
   publicado: 9 de Set, 2024

Texto original

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US$ 550,00/ano

US$ 1.000,00/por ano

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