
The Object Of The Contract Is The Selective Collection Service In The Garrotxa Region, Which Consists Of: - The Selective Collection Of The Containers Defined In This Specification, And Those That May Be Installed During The Life Of The Contract, For Fractions Of Paper And Cardboard, Light Packaging, Glass. - The Selective Collection Of Paper And Cardboard Of Commercial Origin. - And All Those Services Related To These Main Ones Such As: The Transport Of The Collected Materials To The Destination Plant Assigned By The Technical Services Of The Regional Council, The Emptying Of The Specific Containers For These Selective Collections, The Periodic Cleaning Of The Containers And Its Environment, The Maintenance And Replenishment Of Containers, The Change Of Location Of Containers, The Placement Of New Containers, The Displacement Or Distribution Of Containers, Etc.

Pedido de Propostas

Informação Geral

   31 de Ago, 2024
2138871 EUR
   publicado: 31 de Ago, 2024

Texto original

X2024003892L’objecte del contracte és el servei de recollida selectiva a la comarca de la Garrotxa que es concreta en:
- la recollida selectiva dels contenidors definits en el present plec, i els que es puguin instal·lar en la vida del contracte, per a les fraccions de paper i cartró, envasos lleugers, vidre.
- la recollida selectiva de paper i cartró d’origen comercial...
Opções de assinatura




US$ 550,00/ano

US$ 1.000,00/por ano

Custo mediante solicitação

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