
"Provide services as a professional nurse who will direct the strategy in the Healthy Days component for the prevention of Cardiovascular Risk; for this purpose, 116 health days will be held in companies in the formal sector, giving priority to the Taxi Driver population of the District of Medellín. Implemented a strategy in Companies to intervene in overweight and obesity in people over 18 years of age, through education, information and communication actions.

Pedido de Propostas

Informação Geral

   27 de Jul, 2024
   publicado: 27 de Jul, 2024

Texto original

Informacióntranslator.loadFileAndTranslateElement($('#_helpfdsRequestSummaryInfoHelpText'),'')UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA getContent('', 'fdsRequestSummaryInfo_tblDetail_trRowBuyer_tdCell1_ctzBusinessCard');Precio estimado total:translator.loadFileAndTranslateElement($('#lblBasePriceGen'),'')27.303.145 COP Número del...
Opções de assinatura




US$ 550,00/ano

US$ 1.000,00/por ano

Custo mediante solicitação

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