

Invitation for Bids

General Information

   Kumasi, Ghana
   K1-K2 Projects
   May 26, 2023
Aug 8, 2023
GHANA - Ghana Grid Company
   The following qualification criteria can also be found on

1. Eligibility
Criterion Requirement Single Entity, Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission Requirements
All Parties Combined Each Member One Member

1.1 Nationality in accordance with ITB 4.3
Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A Forms ELI 1.1 and ELI 1.2, with attachments

1.2 Conflict of Interest No conflicts of interest in accordance with ITB 4.2

Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A Letter of Bid

1.3 AFD Eligibility: Not being ineligible to AFD financing, as described in ITB 4.3 Must meet requirement

Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A Statement of Integrity (appendix to Letter of Bid)

1.4 State Owned Entity Meet conditions of ITB 4.3 Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A Forms ELI 1.1 and ELI 1.2, with attachments.

2. Historical Contract Non Performance
Criterion Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission Requirements
All Parties Combined Each Member One Member
2.1 History of Non Performing Contracts Termination of a contract did not occur as a result of Bidder's default in the past five (5) years. Must meet requirement . Must meet requirement Must meet requirement2 N/A Form CON 2

2.2 Suspension Based on Execution of Bid Securing Declaration by the Employer Not under suspension based on execution of a Bid Securing Declaration pursuant to ITB 4.4. Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A Letter of Bid

2.3 Pending Litigation All pending litigation shall in total not represent more than one hundred percent (100%) of the Bidder’s net worth and shall be treated as resolved against the Bidder. Must meet requirement N/A Must meet requirement N/A Form CON 2

3. Financial Situation and Performance
Criterion Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission Requirements
All Parties Combined Each Member One Member

3.1 Financial Capabilities (i) The Bidder shall demonstrate that it has access to, or has available, liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means (independent of any contractual advance payment) sufficient to meet the construction cash flow requirements estimated as Two Milliion and Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US2,500,000.00) for the subject contract(s) net of the Bidder’s other commitments Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A N/A Forms FIN 3.1 and FIN 3.3
(ii) The Bidder shall also demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Employer, that it has adequate sources of finance to meet the cash flow requirements on works currently in progress and for future contract commitments Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A N/A Forms FIN 3.1 and FIN 3.4
(iii) The audited balance sheets or, if not required by the laws of the Bidder’s country, other financial statements acceptable to the Employer, for the last three (3) years shall be submitted and must demonstrate the current soundness of the Bidder’s financial position. The Bidder's financial position will be deemed sound if at least two (2) of the following four (4) criteria are met:
a) Average earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) for the last three (3) years > 0;
b) Total equity (net worth) for the last three (3) years > 0;
c) Average liquidity ratio for the last three (3) years > 1
((Current assets) / (Current liabilities) > 1);
d) Average indebtedness ratio for the last three (3) years < 6
((Total financial liabilities) / (EBITDA) < 6). Must meet requirement N/A N/A Leader must meet requirement Form FIN 3.1, with attachments
3.2 Minimum Annual Turnover
of Fifteen Million United State Dollars (US$ 15,000,000.00) Minimum average annual Construction turnover of Fifteen Million United State Dollars (US$ 15,000,000.00) within the past five years Must meet requirement Must meet requirement Must meet [twenty five] per cent [25%] of the requirement Must meet [forty] per cent [40%] of the requirement Form FIN 3.2

4. Experience
Criterion Requirements Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission Requirements
All Parties Combined Each Member One Member

4.1 General Construction Experience At least Five (5No.) projects of General Construction Experience in the role of prime contractor, JV member, subcontractor, or management contractor (exact position to be specified) in Engineeing, Procurement and Construction Contracts in High Voltage (HV) Transmission lines and substation with voltage levels 132 kV and above starting 1st January 2017. Must meet requirement N/A Must meet requirement N/A Form EXP 4.1

4.2 (a) Specific Construction & Contract Management Experience (i) A minimum number of similar contracts specified below that have been satisfactorily and substantially completed as a prime contractor, joint venture member , management contractor or subcontractor between 1st January 2017 and application submission deadline as follows:
 At least three (3No) High Voltage (HV) Projects within the period specified above, with at lease one (1No.) of the Contracts being transmission line construction with a minimum 30 + km of length, from 132 kV HVAC and above. Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A N/A Form EXP 4.2(a)

4.2 (b) Specific Experience For the above or other contracts executed during the five (5) years period stipulated above, a minimum construction experience implementation as prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor or subcontractor on or after the first day of the calendar year during the period stipulated in 4.2 (a) above, a minimum construction experience in the following key activities successfully completed at least one contract outside home country preferably in Africa in the following key activities:
 Rehabilitation and reinforcement of at least one (1No) Transmission line involving the replacement and reconstruction of the transmission line of voltage class 132kV or above as well as associated line termination works in a live switchyard in an urban area.
 Evidence of experience in at least one project of similar nature with specific skill for outage coordination. Must meet requirement Must meet requirement N/A N/A Form EXP 4.2(b)
NOT APPLICABLE (i) For the following specialized works, the Employer permits specialized subcontractors as per ITB 34.2 and 34.4 N/A N/A N/A N/A Form EXP 4.2(b)

5. Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS)
Criterion Requirement Single Entity Joint Venture (existing or intended) Submission Requirements
All Parties Combined Each Member One Member
5.1 ESHS Certification(s) Availability of a valid ISO certification or internationally recognized equivalent (equivalency to be demonstrated by Bidder), and applicable to the worksite: Must meet requirement N/A N/A Leader must meet requirement
 Quality management certificate ISO 9001 ; Form CER
 Environmental management certificate ISO 14001 ; Form CER
 Health and safety management certificate ISO 45001 . Form CER
5.2 ESHS Documentation Availability of in house policies and procedures acceptable to the Employer for ESHS management:
1. Existence of an Ethics Charter;
2. Existence of a system for monitoring compliance with ESHS commitments for the Bidder's subcontractors and all its partners;
3. Existence of official company procedures for the management of the following relevant points:
 ESHS resources and facilities and ESHS monitoring organization;
 Project Areas management (base camps, quarries, borrow pits, storage areas);
 Health & Safety on worksites;
 Local recruitment and ESHS trainings of local staff (capacity building), ESHS trainings of subcontractors and local partners (transfer of knowledge);
 Relations with stakeholders, information and consultation of local communities and authorities; Must meet requirement N/A N/A Leader must meet requirement 1. The ESHS Ethics Charter of the company or equivalent must be provided.
2. A procedure or information on how the Bidder ensures that all members of the Joint Venture, subcontractors, suppliers and temporary labor (i) are aware and (ii) meet ESHS requirements must be provided.
3. Official internal procedure documents on the topics indicated must be provided.
5.3 Similar Experience Experience of one (1) Construction contract over the last 3 years, where major ESHS measures were carried out or are on progress satisfactorily and in compliance with international standards. Must meet requirement N/A N/A Leader must meet requirement Form EXP ESHS with supporting documents (the Bidder shall submit a piece of evidence supporting the ESHS implementation measures)
5.4 Specific ESHS Knowledge Transfer Experience Experience of one (1) construction contract in developing and emerging countries over the last five (5) years in which the ESHS knowledge transfer to a local partner or the ESHS capacity building of the Employer’s country staff was carried out satisfactorily Must meet requirement N/A N/A Leader must meet requirement Form EXP ESHS with supporting documents (The Bidder shall submit a piece of evidence supporting the ESHS knowledge transfer or capacity building)
5.5 ESHS Dedicated Personnel Availability of in-house personnel dedicated to ESHS issues: Environmental and Social Manager, and/or Health and Safety Manager. Must meet requirement N/A N/A Leader must meet requirement Organizational chart evidencing filled ESHS position(s)
   International procurement
   published: May 26, 2023

Contact information

   Vincent Boachie
Engineering Department
Engineering Department, Ghana Grid Company Ltd
P.O. Box CS7979
Tema, Other 233
   + 233 303318700
   + 233 303318724
   Click here

Goods, Works and Services


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More information: Click here
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