
The Objective Of The National Treasury'S Purchasing Plan Is To Plan The Acquisition Of Goods And The Contracting Of Works And Services Required By The Different Areas Of The Treasury, For Their Adequate And Timely Supply, With Effectiveness, Efficiency And Transparency, In Accordance With The Rules And Procedures Established In The Treasury'S Regulations On Purchases And Contracting Of Works And Services.

Plano de Aquisições

Informação Geral

   20 de Set, 2024
138474155 DOP
   publicado: 20 de Set, 2024

Texto original

Tesorería Nacional202409/01/2024138,474,155 Dominican Pesos1619/09/2024PublishedDetailDownload


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Tesorería Nacional

4.6 0 Recommendation(s)

getContent('', 'ctzCompanyOwner');Year: 2024State: Published Mission and...
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US$ 550,00/ano

US$ 1.000,00/por ano

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