
Mission: Articulate Intersectoral And Intrasectoral Processes That Guarantee Comprehensive Interventions That Contribute To The Closing Of Rural-Urban Gaps And The Transformation Of Prioritized Territories, Through The Structuring And Execution Of Projects, The Implementation Of Development Alternatives And The Strengthening Of Institutional And Community Capacities In A Sustainable Manner Within The Framework Of The Implementation Of The Pdet And The Voluntary Substitution Of Illicit Crops. Vision (Mega): In 2035, The Intervened Territories Will Have Been Stabilized, Through The Implementation Of The Pdet And Voluntary Substitution Models For Illicit Crops, So They Will Have Self-Management Capabilities, Integrating Into The Development Of The Country With Equity And Legality.

Plan projektu

Informacja Ogólna

   Maj 30, 2024
120330638517 COP
   opublikowany: Maj 30, 2024

Oryginalny tekst

AGENCIA DE RENOVACION DEL TERRITORIOtranslator.loadFileAndTranslateElement($('#spnGridAppEntitySpan1_24'),'')2024translator.loadFileAndTranslateElement($('#spnGridAppYearSpan1_24'),'')23/11/2023120.330.638.517...
Opcje subskrypcji




550 USD/rok

1000 USD/rok

Koszt na żądanie

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