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Togo Compact Program Implementation Unit

This buyer is a part of Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (“MCC”) is working with the Government of Togo (GoT) to develop a compact by the end of calendar year2024. Togo was selected as eligible for MCC funding in the fall of 2022. A constraint to economic growth analysis was completed in February 2023;and the GoT elected to focus compact development on addressing constraints in the energy (high cost and insufficient reliability) and digital (high cost and insufficient use of digital services) sectors.

Procurement notices

Country:  Togo

Type:  Invitation for Bids

Jul 8, 2024 
Jul 15, 2024 

Country:  Togo

Type:  Invitation for Bids

Jul 8, 2024 
Jul 15, 2024 

Country:  Togo

Type:  Invitation for Bids

May 24, 2024 
Jun 24, 2024