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Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) operates in Palestine.
The Ministry

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Gaza strives to promote the Palestinian cause in the avenues of the international community, convey the suffering of our people in blockaded Gaza and occupied West Bank, and mobilize as much support as possible for a just and sustainable peace in accordance with the international law.

We also exert immense effort to open the channels of communication with all active players in the Palestinian arena and provide them with the necessary facilities to support our people.

Even though the international community does not recognize the Palestinian government in Gaza, we still ensure the safety and security of all foreign delegations and treat them in accordance with the diplomatic norms.

Our Vision

To reach a just and sustainable peace, Palestinian rights must be preserved, i.e., the return of the Palestinian refugees driven out of their homes in 1948 and 1967 and the establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

However, this cannot be achieved without a serious effort by the international community to pressure the occupation state to lift the blockade of Gaza, end its racist policies and grant Palestinians their legitimate rights under international law.

The occupation must be held accountable for its crimes, and its leaders must be brought to justice. The settlements must be stopped, and the inhumane blockade of Gaza must be lifted. Without this, the dream of peace will stay far away from becoming a reality.

Our Objectives

Promote the Palestinian cause in the avenues of the international community.
Utilize all the legal and peaceful means to end the siege of Gaza and stop the settlements’ expansion in the West Bank.
Expose and document the crimes of the occupation in order to bring its perpetrators to justice one day.
Communicate with the active players in the international community, including UN and EU, to mobilize their support for our just cause.
Provide the donor countries and international organizations with all necessary facilities and ensure the success of their efforts to support our people.
Achieve the Palestinian people’s dream to establish their independent state and return the refugees to their homes.

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