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Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC)

This buyer is a part of Invest International Public Programmes b.v..
Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) operates in Rwanda.
Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC) is the nation's central health implementation agency.

RBC was established in 2011 through a merger of fourteen key health institutions. RBC strives to improve the health of the Rwandan population by providing high quality, affordable and sustainable health care services. This is accomplished through the implementation of preventative, rehabilitative, and curative health interventions.

RBC conducts scientific research, provides diagnostics services, and implements innovative health interventions to protect the nation against diseases and other health threats.

Mission and Vision

Mission: RBC promotes high quality, affordable, and sustainable health care services to the population through evidence-based interventions and practices guided by ethics and professionalism.

Vision: To become a Center of Excellence for the prosperity of the country, ensuring quality health service delivery, education and research.

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