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VIETNAM - Thach Ha District

This buyer is a part of Agence Française de Développement (AFD).
VIETNAM - Thach Ha District operates in Vietnam.
Project description: The project, named “Climate-Resilient Urban Infrastructure Improvement in 4 coastal north-centre provinces” (CRUIV), supports 5 cities in 4 provinces in north-central Vietnam to strengthen their infrastructures and enhance their capacities of adaptation to the potential effects of climate change; urban governance capacity reinforcement. The CRUIV project gathers two components: the implementation of infrastructures in five cities, and a technical assistance scheme to the benefit of each of those cities. Both are linked and the setup of the technical assistance (TA) will be key for the success of the investments project
Organization description: PMU of Thach Ha has been agreed by 5 Projects owner that Ha Tinh people’s committee, via Thach Ha people’s committee, will provide administrative management and coordination of this unique Technical Assistance contract. Ha Tinh people’s committee has been delegated for this purpose by the people’s committees of Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa and Nghe An

Procurement notices

Country:  Vietnam

Type:  Project

Apr 26, 2022 

Country:  Vietnam

Type:  Request For Expressions of Interest

Jul 6, 2021 
Aug 6, 2021