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SEYCHELLES - Seychelles Ports Authority

This buyer is a part of Agence Française de Développement (AFD).
SEYCHELLES - Seychelles Ports Authority operates in Seychelles.
Port Victoria Rehabilitation and Extension Project - a project to expand and modernize the Seychelles' main multi-purpose deep water terminal, with 370m of quay, which currently handles vessels of maximum draft of 11.5m. The development will result in a new quay wall of approximately 650 meters with a depth at the quay of C.D. -15.5 meters, and a terminal with static design capacity of approximately 1,200 TEU ground slots.

Procurement notices

Country:  Seychelles

Type:  Prequalification Notice

Mar 11, 2024 
Apr 12, 2024 

Country:  Seychelles

Type:  Request For Expressions of Interest

Sep 27, 2021 
Oct 12, 2021 

Country:  Seychelles

Type:  Request For Expressions of Interest

May 31, 2021 
Jun 17, 2021