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FAQ for Buyers

  • What are the benefits of publishing procurement notices on dgMarket?

    Your procurement announcements will reach a large number of suppliers, worldwide. Over 500,000 users from some 180 countries have registered in the system. More than 60,000 subscribers receive daily alerts for tenders that match their business profile.

  • What organizations can publish tenders on dgMarket?

    Eligible organizations include government agencies and publicly owned companies, as well as large and reputable non-profits and private companies that purchase goods, works or services by following well-defined tendering processes.

  • How much does it cost to publish a tender?

    Publishing procurement notices is free of charge. However, suppliers will need to subscribe in order to read your notices (except contract award notices, they are always free).
    If your agency would like to make its tender notices available to the suppliers free of charge, please contact us to discuss pricing.

  • What type of procurement information can be published on dgMarket?

    You can publish the following:
    1. Tender announcements: requests for proposals, requests for expressions of interest, and prequalification notices.
    2. Information about future procurement (procurement plans, prior information notices) and other announcements.
    3. Tender results - contract award notices.
    4. Requests for consultations - if you want to get suppliers' feedback on draft tender documentation before making it final.
    Each procurement notice can have file attachments. For example, results of a pre-bid conference can be made public by attaching the minutes to a previously published RFP. Once a supplier has accessed certain tender notice, the system will automatically alert the supplier whenever you modify, update or correct the notice.

  • How to start publishing procurement notices on dgMarket?

    Publication of tender information on the site is fast and free, once your agency is approved as a buyer. Register your organization's buyer profile here.
    Please include detailed information about the organization and its procurement (number of tenders and approximate yearly total amount of tenders in US dollars).