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FAQ for Suppliers

  • How many new tenders are published each day?

    On average, about 3500 new procurement notices are made available daily.

  • Where do tender notices come from? What are the sources?

    Most of the tenders are republished from government procurement sites and sites of various public and international agencies, on daily basis. Additionally, a number of purchasers publish their tender notices directly on our site.

    We cover all significant government procurement tenders in over 60 countries (new countries are added frequently), and tenders of international development agencies in some 150 countries. In total, we publish over 1 million notices annually, covering some $900 billion in government contracts per year.

    We maintain a very comprehensive database of government procurement opportunities. If you are not sure whether or not procurement opportunities of a particular buyer are included in our coverage, please send the website address (a link) to, so we can make sure that it is included.

  • How and Where do I receive email alerts? How do I manage alerts?

    Email alerts are sent to your registered email address (The email address you use to login to

    Alerts can be setup by following the Category tree (Agriculture, Construction, etc.) or with your custom keywords. In order to setup alerts, search by entering the desired keyword in the search box, or by going to the desired sub-section Category.
    You can then click on "Save & Set Alert" at top of the page to set an alerts.

    You can view your saved searches and deactivate or delete current alerts here.

  • How often will I receive e-mail alerts?

    Daily, if we find procurement notices mathcing the alert criteria setup by you.

  • There are notices matching my alert criteria, but I have not received any email alerts recently. What should I do?

    Check your Junk/Spam folder for emails from ''. If you find the emails in one of the mentioned folders, either, "mark them safe" or add address to your contact list. Our emails, should now come to your inbox.

    If you did not find any emails in your Junk/Spam folder, please contact us here. Our customer care team will be sure to get in touch with your quickly.

  • We are a large company, how can we offer dgMarket services to our different units?

    We offer corporate packages to companies with more than 5 subscribers. Significant discounts are given based on number of licenses that are required.

  • We are an association/membership organization, how can we offer this service to our members?

    Depending on the number of members interested in our service, we can offer collective subscriptions at a discount. If you have hundreds of interested members, you might be want to offering this service under your own brand, as part of the membership package. Please contact us at to discuss various options.

  • Is it safe is to use credit card to pay for subscription?

    Yes, it is. We have been accepting credit card payments for over a decade, and never encountered any security problems.
    We do not store your credit card information. Your browser sends it to us over an encrypted SSL connection; then it is immediately passed to Paypal or Stripe for further processing.

  • Do you offer a free trial of your subscription services?

    We do offer a free trial to our potential customers. We request you to mention the sectors/industry you work with for us to be able to help you better. Please write to us to request the free trial.

  • I only need one specific tender notice. Do I still need to pay full subscription price?

    In fact, you can get this tender information free of charge (only one notice per user account) - in exchange to your endorsement of our service.
    Tweet about our site, like it publicly on Facebook, or +1 it on Google+, then send us a link to you social network page, as well as a link to the tender notice you are interested in.

  • If I cancel my subscription, will I receive a partial refund for the remaining period?

    Sorry, we don't offer partial refunds.

  • I have a subscription. Why am I asked to subscribe when I open a tender notice?

    In order to make sure that you have credits remaining and that you are logged in with the correct account, please go to My Account. You will find there your account information, subscription details and remaining notice views for the month.